Monday, May 30, 2011

Calm an Upset or Angry Child

When small children (about 2-6) get angry or upset, it's hard to calm them down, especially if you're a babysitter and don't know the child very well. This article helps babysitters, parents, and anyone else taking care of a child that is throwing a tantrum, crying, refusing to do something, etc...

1. Make sure the child is unhurt. Is physical pain upsetting him or her? If so, and he/she is hurt, take care of their wound, or bump in the head, etc. If the child is still upset (ex. 'Sally hit me!') there may be some anger towards the person or thing that caused the injury. If so, skip to step #4.
2. If the child is upset or angry about something related to one of his/her toys or possessions (ex. "Jimmy broke my doll!) ask to see the toy and try to fix it. In the worst-case-scenario, the toy will be permanently broken, and you may want to 'put away so you can fix it properly later'- and wait to see if the child forgets about it. If not, you can either buy that child a new thing or get it repaired.
3. If he/she is angry about a privilege being taken away, not getting to have dessert, having to turn off the television, having to go to bed, or simply is having a very bad day, don't be harsh. Be gentle and caring. Try to reason with the child. Ask what he/she wants, if they had their way. Do they demand to stay up another half-hour (or whatever)? Make a bargain, that they may stay up for ten minutes but that you would read them a story at bedtime (or whatever). Go halfway and give them a deal. If they still are being a pain, or if you simply can't let them stay up, tell them that they have to go to bed, and give them the reasons why.
4. If another child is upsetting him/her, find out why, then confront the other child and ask him or her to apologize. if you have any authority over the antagonizer, then give him/her a minor punishment (not watching TV that day, whatever) to make the other child feel better.

this is the tips

* Don't be harsh. Any upset child will respond negatively to an adult treating them harshly. Even if you are at you're wits' end, try to give them a little comfort and be nice.
* if there are any injuries on the child, treat them even if the child doesn't want you to ('it stings!' etc..). Safety first.


* if the child is doing anything potentially harmful or dangerous, make them stop. Immediately.

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